Design Your Life ~ VIP One Day Intensive

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Design Your Life ~ VIP One Day Intensive

In one focused, intense and fun-filled day you will create your passion-driven, practical and purposeful LIFE PLAN to design the life of your dreams.

Through gentle guidance and carefully selected exercises, Natalie, will help you gain clarity of your true soul’s desires and create an action plan with practical steps to follow that will move you confidently and with greater self-discipline, toward your goals.

The amazing LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS is waiting for you! It is hiding as a seed of desire under layers of fear, distraction, disbelief, busyness and lack of focus. When we bring our desires to awareness and focus intentionally each day, we nurture and grow the seed to fruition.

You Receive:

A comprehensive "Design Your Life" workbook PDF with exercises & tools to plan, strategize and easily implement and return to again and again on your own long after the intensive is finished.

Exercises and meditations to uncover your hidden desires that you have not yet given yourself permission to believe you can actually create.

Take home gift of luxury items to support your life plan and passionate, purposeful living. (local participant only)

6 hours of individualized pampering and coaching from a supportive guide who is cheering for you to get clear and LIVE BOLDLY! (5 hours noon-local participants, held on Zoom)

Full course healthy lunch, healthy snacks and hydrating elixirs to fuel your focus and up-regulate your cell health and vibration. (local participants only)

Energetic chakra clearing with tuning forks and crystal bowls.


Here's what a VIP Day client said about her experience:

"This message is long overdue – but I wanted to make sure that I set aside enough time to express a proper and meaningful THANK YOU, and to share some of the positive changes in my life since our session.  Your advice really changed my life, Natalie – and I thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with me!

I often think of our VIP day and the guidance you offered, but there are a few points that you made that really stood out and have been game-changers for me and wanted to share.

Reprogramming. I really did not understand the depth of my negative ‘subconscious programming’ until you explained to me how it works and manifests itself in life. I think it was obvious that I struggled with the idea of this concept, and working on it through mantras and affirmations – but when you told me that ‘I should accept and believe it will work, like I believe in taking my supplements daily’ – I couldn’t dispute the logic, and was desperate for a change.   It felt a bit ridiculous at first, but I stuck with it and I’ve felt a massive shift.

Vibes. I get it now and trust it, I gravitate to things that elevate me, and have an easier time letting go of things that don’t support my positive energy.

I’m thinking about ‘Service’ often and how I can contribute and give back. Thank you for reminding me how important that was/is to me. I had lost my connection to that – but you saw it somehow.

My relationship with myself is better, I’m happier, I ended a dysfunctional relationship, my daughter and I are having so much fun and I’m enjoying her so much.

Thanks for doing what you do. You’re making a difference and I intend to continue the journey.

I would like to gush (authentically :)) about your intuition too. It crossed my mind a few times how impressive it is that you meet a complete stranger, spend a whole day with them having conversations that could go absolutely anywhere and manage to steer the conversation in a productive and healing direction. I think that’s a really unique ability and gift.

With sincere gratitude,"

Christine W.

CAD 1,111
Total due CAD 1,111

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